Face to Face Germantown

Hospitality, mutuality, and transformation.

At Face to Face struggling families, individuals and the homeless are welcomed and treated with dignity and respect.  Our goal is to meet basic human needs and reduce suffering; thereby assisting our guests to a better future.

Face to Face offers a Dining Room, a nurse managed Health Center, a Legal Center, a Social Services Center and Children’s Summer Camps and After School programs.  We also have a Washeteria where people can take a hot shower and receive a new set of clothes.  Face to Face serves 2,500 annually and has been a stable presence in Germantown for over 20 years.

We are distinguished both by what we do and the manner in which we do it.  Face to Face believes that each guest is the equal of each staff member and volunteer.


Hospitality, Mutuality and Transformation; the motto of Face to Face is brought to life by our dedicated volunteers. Each day the work of Face to Face is achieved through individuals working in our Dining Room, volunteering in our Legal or Health Centers, teaching in our Arts Program or donating much needed supplies, funds or professional expertise. Face to Face is distinguished both by what it does and the manner in which it does it. Our volunteers make the difference. When an individual, family or homeless person comes through our door they are greeted with warmth and respect, usually by volunteers.  To apply to volunteer, click here.

Website: www.facetofacegermantown.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/facetofacegermantown

Contact: 215-849-0179

Location: 109 East Price Street, Philadelphia, PA 19144